Jacob's Angels | Onkel Mengele

Onkel Mengele
by Barbara Wind


Onkel, the twins call him.
An aristocrat
Gentle, beneficent

He brings them toys, lemon drops.
These two feel blessed
So much terror here

But this great man is their protector.
They do not know
They are the next experiment.

Soon they will be
Stitched back to back.
Their cries of pain will be carefully

Charted, no medicine will be
Administered for relief.
The wounds will swell, suppurate.

The patients will be left to lie in pus
But their blood and urine will
Be analyzed. Photographs will be

Taken each step of the way,
The doctor has ordered it for today.
They are bathed, hair neatly combed

The little girl's in two dark braids.
Onkel winks and clicks his Leica
Watch the birdie, children,! Smile!

Barbara Wind writes for the New York Times and the New Jersey Jewish News. Her poems have been published in numerous literary journals, as well as in JAMA, The Journal of The American Medical Association.

She is currently completing a book, Scaling The Mountain, a reflective journal based on the Vatican-sponsored International symposium: "Good and Evil After Auschwitz, Ethical Implications For Today."

The recipient of grants from the Sister Rose Thering Endowment and The Maurice Amado Foundation, she is a candidate for a Master's degree in Jewish-Christian Studies at Seton Hall University. Her poems have garnered awards and honourable mentions, including the ADL/Axelrod Award.